In this post, you will learn about the New keyword, creating objects and calling methods the 7.40 way.

If you are still using CREATE OBJECT and TYPE REF TO always to declare and create objects then you are living in the past. Take a look at what is possible now with the objects.

NEW Operator

Suppose you want to create an object for a class ZCL_ABAP, below is the syntax.

DATA(lo_abap) = NEW zcl_abap( ).    "New way

This is similar to below piece of code.

DATA lo_abap1 TYPE REF TO lcl_abap.  "Old way

When you have a constructor for the class, you can pass the values within the ( ).

Suppose, you have below class definition and implementation.

      constructor IMPORTING iv_user        TYPE sy-uname,
      get_name    RETURNING VALUE(rv_name) TYPE char40.
    DATA gv_user TYPE sy-uname.

  METHOD constructor. 
    gv_user = iv_user. 
  METHOD get_name.
    rv_name = 'Jagdish P'.   "This can be a query as well 

You can create the object as below and use it to call the method.

DATA(lo_abap) = NEW lcl_abap( 'JAGDISHP' ).
DATA(lv_name) = lo_abap->get_name( ).

Here, there is only one Importing parameter for the constructor, so a value can be passed without parameter name. When there are multiple parameters in the constructor or the method, we need to specify the name in the call.

DATA(lo_abap) = NEW lcl_abap( iv_user = 'JAGDISHP' 
                              iv_type = 'Dialog' ). "only for demo

For reference, below is the old way to do the same thing

DATA lo_abap1 TYPE REF TO lcl_abap.

    iv_user = 'JAGDISHP'.

CALL METHOD lo_abap->get_name
    rv_name = lv_name.

Method Chaining

Method chaining is not a something that ABAP 7.40 brought in but it is more effective with ABAP 7.40.

Method chaining is not like the chain statement that we use for declaring data with symbol colon [ : ]. It is a way in which you can call a method which is returning something and use that something directly in the code. I know this is confusing, so let us look at an example of how the factory ALV code can be optimized in terms of number of lines using method chaining.

SELECT * FROM sbook INTO TABLE @DATA(bookings).

    "Create ALV table object for the output data table
                     IMPORTING r_salv_table = DATA(lo_table)
                     CHANGING  t_table      = bookings ).

    "Method chaining
    lo_table->get_functions( )->set_all( ).
    lo_table->get_columns( )->set_optimize( ).
    lo_table->get_display_settings( )->set_striped_pattern( 'X' ).

    lo_table->display( ).

  CATCH cx_root.   
    "Handle Error

Using methods as operands

We use below code to write error after exception is caught.

  CATCH cx_root INTO lo_exception.
    lv_error_txt = lo_exception->get_error_msg( ).
    WRITE: lv_error_txt.

The same can we written as below by using method as an operand. This eliminates need of helper variables. Note that this is only possible when the method is a functional method i.e. the method has only Importing and Returning parameters. The returning value is treated as a variable.

  CATCH cx_root INTO lo_exception.
    WRITE: lo_exception->get_error_msg( ).

This can also be used in conditions.

IF lo_exception->get_error_msg( ) IS NOT INITIAL. 

Avoid Type Conflict while calling methods

You can convert the data passed to the method to the type that method needs.

DATA(lo_abap) = NEW lcl_abap( CONV #('JAGDISHP' ) ).

Inline declaration for returning/receiving or importing variables

DATA(lv_name) = lo_abap->get_name( ).
CALL METHOD lo_abap->get_name   
    rv_name = DATA(lv_name).

Once you get the idea of chaining various statements, the lines of code start to reduce and the code becomes smaller, and easier to maintain.

Yes, it is bit difficult to understand at first, but sooner or later you have to start.

Read about more such ABAP expressions and exciting new syntaxes: ABAP Expressions (7.4+)

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