This is Monday of week 2 of Devtoberfest and we have exciting ABAP sessions today.

This post talks about the session “Exercism Demo & Presentation with Lars Hvam Petersen”. The entire session can be viewed at SAP Community Page.

Today’s session talks about Exercism. As you can read in the session description –

Exercism is an online, open-source, free coding platform that offers code practice and mentorship on 50+ different programming languages. And now ABAP is available! 

ABAP Track URL :

Lars took the audience through sample expercise for Hello, World! He has also completed all the execises available so far.

Exercism ABAP code is written in classes where methods are already defined and you need to write the code within the implementation part. The test classes are also written already to test your code.

I have myself been doing some of the Exercises already. Below is my dashboard.

Exercism Dashboard

Lars then moved on to show us how the ABAP code can be edited in his favourite tool which is vscode with help of extension abaplint. Exercism does not support all the latest enhancements and hence to try out some of the latest syntax, vscode would be helpful.

In my opinion, exercism would be helpful when you do not have a system to learn ABAP and still want to try it out. However, it does not support the practical use cases of ABAP as of now as there is no business system on which it runs. So, if you are a seasoned ABAP developer, you might not want to do the actual exercises but you can still support the new ABAP developers by mentoring them and improving the submitted solutions.

In the session Lars also showed the open-abap project on github : which I think was only for information.

To summarize, if you are a seasoned developer then check out Exercism and mentor new developers. If you are starting with OOABAP – do check out the exercise which would help you understand methods and also ABAP units. If you are completly new developer then the exercises are for you – but get the mentor feedback regularly.

If you want to get started with exeriencing ABAP in scenarios which are closer to real projects with ABAP in Eclipse with free SAP Trial Account.

Check the Devtoberfest Events and find out more sessions.

Check out Devtoberfest Learning Experience 2022 series to find my take on the ABAP sessions.

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