This is a session by Andre Fischer, Product Manager. The description for the session is as below –

In this overview session tailored for the beginner, learn how to use proven and new technologies, such as Core Data Services (CDS) and behavior definition and implementation languages, to build SAP Fiori apps and OData services using the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model with SAP Business Technology Platform, ABAP environment and on-premise SAP S/4HANA.

Andre is a well known author and popular personality around the SAP blogs where he interacts with posts with valuable inputs and insights in addition to his own posts.

Source : A Beginner’s Guide to the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model

The session covers the creation of the FIORI app (List Report) using RAP on the backend. The scenario of a flight model with Travel, Customer, and Agency entities is considered. The app would have capabilities like search, filter and draft.

Andre gave us a good overview of CDS views and EML ( Entity Manupulation Language ) with ABAP like syntax. He then walked us through below

  1. Table for Travel Data
  2. Use of Wizard to generate RAP obejcts for the table that generates required RAP artifacts and opens the biding directly.

Refer this series to understand RAP artifacts. SAP RESTFull Application Programming Model

The generator generates below objects

  1. Root View Entity for Travel
  2. Behavior definition with Managed scenario and draft where we can see various draft options as well
  3. Consumption layer root view entity and behavior definition
  4. Metadata Extension
  5. Service Definition and Service Binding where we only need to Publish the service after genaration

RAP Business Object is then explained which is going to be the key element of the development.

Source Link

Unmanaged and Managed scenarios are explained which is key to understanding whether the existing BAPIs would be used or new RAP BO is going to be used.

In the end, Andre explained the development flow, the exercise, and a lot of learning resources.

For me, the repository object generator is new and exciting – it would save some time, however, the scenario covered was based on a single table, so it would be interesting to explore how it works for scenarios where multiple tables are involved.

If you are starting with RAP, this is a must watch session. Here is the link for the session again for a quick reference.

A Beginner’s Guide to the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model

Check out Devtoberfest Learning Experience 2022 series to find my take on the ABAP sessions.

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