In this post, you will learn to create SAP HANA Trial Account that can be used for hands-on practice of ABAP on HANA and ABAP on Cloud objects.
This is a free trial account provided by SAP with initial trial period of 30 days which can be extended multiple times up to 12 months. All you need is a personal email account, a phone number and appetite to learn. Preferably, do not use official email address as it should be use for company business only.
Step by step guide to create SAP HANA Trial Account
1. Go to URL SAP HANA Cloud Trial

2. Scroll down and click on Start your free trial now.

3. Provide details here. Click on Submit.
Phone number provided will be used for validation. So, use a working phone number.

4. You might be a robot – so prove that you are not !!

5. Next, you will get below page. Switch to your email screen.

6. Look for email with subject notification to Activate Your Account for

7. In the email, locate a push button, Click to activate your account.

8. You should get below screen which means the email is verified. You will be redirected automatically to Log On page.

9. Log On.

10. You will see a screen that Welcomes you to your free trial. Scroll down.

11. Click to start your trial. Be ready with the phone.

12. At this point, you should get a Code on your phone. If not, you can request a new code. If you wish you use a different number, you can change it. Remember, one number can be used with only one account.

13. Read and accept the T&C.

14. Once you Accept, below pop up will come automatically.
Select Europe – AWS. Please do not select Singapore – Azure even if it is nearer to you as not all services that we need are available there at the moment.
Click on Create Account.
Update: Dec 2021 – Europe is no longer available for selection. So select US East (VA) option.

15. Account creation will start. Wait for few minutes. Once you get below screen, your account is created. Click Continue.

16. Note this URL. Next time, you can start from here.
Enter Your Trial Account.

17. You can see a trial account and a subaccount created. The sub-account can be deleted and a new account can be created.

18. Notice that there is one Active Subscription created already. Click on Active Subscription.

19. You can see SAP Business Application Studio. If you are familiar with the term WebIDE – this can be thought of as the new WebIDE.

Congratulations !!! You have created your SAP HANA trial account.
Exciting stuff ahead. In the next post, we will see how to create ABAP on a Cloud instance and access it from Eclipse.
P. S. Change in SAP Trial Account Policy
The trial account will now to deleted after 90 days trial period regardless of whether the account is active or not. Save your developments.

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