In this post you will learn about Basics of Window Expression in ABAP SQL.

When we write aggregate queries, we get aggregate values based on the fields mentioned in GROUP BY clause. Window Expression in ABAP SQL is similar in this sense. However, it gives you individual records as well.

Windowing is a way to create partitions of the query result and perform various operations on those partitions . The Window Expression is the expression that helps you do this partition. Once the partition is done, you can apply window functions on the partitions.

Let us consider an example. Say, you want to print price for a flight and also the average price for same flight connection. Below is the data snapshot – for Carrier AA and connection 0015, the average price is 2514 USD. You could get average using aggregate function AVG, but you wont get individual records along with it.

What is the solution for this? WINDOW EXPRESSION AND WINDOW FUNCTIONS.

What is Window Expression?

A window expression starts with a keywords OVER to define a subset of the result set of a query and applies a window function to it.

Here is a sample query.

SELECT FROM /dmo/flight
    AVG( price ) OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id ) 
                 AS average_price
    ORDER BY carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date
    INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_window).

This generates below output. 2.514 E3 is 2514. The highlighted rows below have Carrier AA and connection 0015, so when the partition was applied these 2 records were put into 1 partition.

OVER keyword starts the Window Expression and PARTITION BY is similar to GROUP BY where partitioning fields will be mentioned.

This query can then be enhanced further with

  1. Different partitions e.g. partition on only Carrier ID
  2. More aggregate functions like Sum, Max, Min, Count
  3. Ranking Functions like row number, rank within partition
  4. Value Functions like lead, lag within partition

Window Functions?

Aggregate Functions, Ranking Functions and Value Functions together are called as Window Function in the context of Window Expressions. In this post we only use aggregate functions.

Example Query

Below query gets count at two different levels i.e. one at carrier level and other for carrier and connection combination. It also gets average, min, max, total and what % the price is of total.

This query performs all these operations and gives you all the data that you need.

SQL code for reference

SELECT FROM /dmo/flight
    carrier_id as carrier,
    connection_id as connection,
    flight_date as date,
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id )
        AS cnt_car,
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id )
        AS cnt_conn,
    AVG( price )
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id )
        AS avg_price,
    MIN( price )
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id )
        AS min_price,
    MAX( price )
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id )
        AS max_price,
    SUM( price )
        OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id )
        AS total_price,
    division( 100 * price,
              SUM( price )
                OVER( PARTITION BY carrier_id, connection_id ),
              2 )
        AS percentage
    ORDER BY carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date
    INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_window).

Window Expressions and Functions bring more amazing things to SQL. Next post from the series is – ABAP 7.4 and beyond [14] : SQL Window Expression with Frames.

Read about more such ABAP expressions and exciting new syntaxes: ABAP Expressions (7.4+)

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